A downloadable game for Windows

About the game

Sanguis is a retro looking first person shooter set in a dark fantasy world. You awake as an unknown husk in a crypta deep below the earth. In this world divine blood is power - it fuels engines as well as your enemies. 
Using your skills and a mechanic that lets you chain objects of divine blood together you must solve puzzles and withstand in combat. Work your way out of the crypta and reach the surface. 

We created it as final project for our Bachelor's degree and would love to hear your thoughts on it!


Action Key
Dodge (ground only) Move Left, Right, or Backward and press LShift
Jump (double jump) Spacebar (x2)
Crouch C or LCtrl
Slide With enough speed, press C or LCtrl
Shoot or Melee (Hammer) Left Mouse Button
Block (Hammer) Hold Right Mouse Button
Shoot Nail (Hammer) Hold Right Mouse Button and shoot with Left Click
Reload or Recall Nails R
Switch Weapon Mouse Wheel or 1 and 2
Pause ESC
Run LShift
Interact E


Marvin Boffo
Julien Geiger
Kevin Ryborz
Marco Verständig


SanguisGraphicBooklet.pdf 16 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the .zip file and start it via the .exe file. 

If you get an error message while trying to start the game it is likely that you have to install Unreals Prerequisites.

You can find them under sanguis > Engine > Extras > Redist > en-us 

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